
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Non-Profit Organizations

Hey Everyone!

I would love to have your feedback and opinions. I am starting something where for each person that places an order, 5% of the total amount will be donated to a legitimate non-profit organization. So far, I am using the following organizations:

1. Humane Society of the United States

2. Susan G. Komen for the Cure
3. American Cancer Society
4. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
5. Boys and Girls Club of America
6. Big Brother's and Big Sister's of America
7. March of Dimes

How this works is on each order that someone places, they will choose the organization they wish to have the 5% be donated to whether it is one that I have already suggested, or a new one (that is legitamate). Once an organization is chosen, I will keep track of how much is to be donated to the different organizations and at the end of each month, I will donate the amount that has been raised. I will post on Facebook, Twitter, my website and this Blog advising how much was raised for the month for each of the different organizations!

I would love to add any more non-profit organizations to this list. Any input or suggestions that you may have would be greatly appreciated! These organizations can be for anything whether it is cancer research, donations for different animals, mental disabilities, and anything else you can think of!
This is something that I am very passionate about and I love donating any chance that I get to help any type of cause!

Thank you in advance for all your help and support!

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